Timeline Calculator

Are you ready to start an exchange today?

There are important timelines the exchangor must adhere to in order to complete a 1031 Exchange. The timeline calculator below can assist with planning for a 1031 Exchange. For additional deadline details and particulars, visit exchange timelines.

If the relinquished property closed on:

Please select a date

The 45th day to identify property is:

Please select a date

The 180th day to complete your 1031 Exchange is:

Please select a date

*The Identification and Exchange Timeline dates above end at midnight on stated dates.

The exchange timeline ends midnight of the 180th calendar day following the close of the (first) relinquish property(s) OR the due date to file the taxpayer’s Federal tax return for the tax year the relinquished property is sold.

Please visit Exchange Timelines for more information.

GB 1031 Exchange always recommends consulting with a tax advisor in regards to timelines involved in a 1031 Exchange.

Your qualified intermediary

Gibraltar 1031 Exchange is available to guide you through the entire exchange process.